

Delicate cut out art

This fragile piece of art uses the design of cutting the paper to create intricate shapes and patterns.  Therefore the backing of the piece is exposed and it is necessary to take that into account when framing the art.

We chose an acid free mat that matches the paper color of the art, ensuring that the piece does not become overwhelming to the viewer.  With an even border separating the piece from the outer window mat, the art is expanded and given more space to breath as well as brightening the work.  The outer window mat has a 1/8 inch bevel, drawing the eye of the viewer to the detailed edges of the piece.  The antique white shade of the mat is a slightly deeper hue than the paper and backing mat of the piece, creating a warm aura.  The champagne silver of the frame keeps the piece bright while not distracting the viewer.  Overall this delicate piece stands illuminated and elated in a frame that brings out an elegant antiquity to its themes in a clean style.